Ideal mode crash course
Turbo Assembler's ideal mode contains a subset of MASM-mode commands. Its aim is to simplify coding and to bring the programmer closer to the output code.
The main difference between ideal and MASM modes is in addressing.
In MASM mode the user may enter many weird combinations of registers
and variables, some of which are similar to high level languages.
The following are valid in MASM mode:
mov ax, MyVariable
mov ax, MyArray[bx]
mov ax, es:[bx][si]
In ideal mode, there is only one valid and true way of addressing,
which conforms to the actual addressing mode the processor recognizes.
The above styles are thus invalid, and the following must be used instead:
mov ax, [MyVariable]
mov ax, [MyArray+bx]
mov ax, [es:bx+si]
As we can see, a memory reference (pointer expression) is always in square
brackets. This obviously prevents taking a constant for a variable. The
of registers and/or labels is not important, only segment registers must
come first.
mov ax, [ss:3*4+si+MyArray+bx]
Often, operand size overriding is needed, especially when the instruction
operands do not include any registers or defined variables. In MASM mode
is done with the PTR expression.
inc byte ptr [bx]
cmp word ptr -8[si][bp], 7
In ideal mode, the PTR keyword is not needed, and the size specifier comes
inside the square brackets as first.
inc [byte bx]
cmp [word si-8+bp], 7
Using structures is also simple. Suppose that we declare a structure:
field1 dw ?
field2 db ?
An example of data declaration using the structure:
MyStruc STRUCTURE ? ; Uninitialized
MyStruc STRUCTURE <0FFFFh, 0FFh> ; Initialized
We can access the structure in the following ways:
mov ax, [MyStruc.field1]
mov al, [(STRUCTURE bx+si).field2]
If we want to add something else in the addressing expression AFTER the
field specifier, we have to take the entire structure pointer in
mov al, [bx+MyStruc.field1] ; Parentheses not needed
mov al, [(MyStruc.field1)+bx] ; In parentheses
mov al, [((STRUCTURE bx).field2)+si]
mov al, [(STRUCTURE bx+si).field2]
Structure and union field identifiers are local. This means that the same
field identifiers can be used in several different structures.
struc STR1
dwSize dd ?
bValue db ?
struc STR2
dwSize dd ? ; same as in STR1
wValue dw ?
Ideal mode is enabled using the ideal keyword. All directives with dot in MASM
mode do not have the leading dot in ideal mode. Processor selection
directives have p instead of dot. Label-directives come BEFORE labels
(the alternative MASM syntax). Examples (MASM equivalents are commented):
model flat ; .model flat
codeseg ; .code
udataseg ; .data?
const ; .const
stack 1000h ; .stack 1000h
p386 ; .386
pmmx ; .mmx
proc MyProc ; MyProc proc
struc MyStruc ; MyStruc struc
union MyUnion ; MyUnion union
segment MySeg ; MySeg segment
macro MyMacro ; MyMacro macro
Ideal mode supports one instruction that isn't supported in MASM mode:
far jump.
jmp far 1000h:24255133h
jmp far 0FFFFh:0
These are the major differences between ideal mode and MASM mode. It is of course the programmer's choice whether he will use this or that mode.
Click here to see a working example of a Win32 program that shows some advanced features available in ideal mode.